The Management Board of YACHT CLUB “PORT BURGAS” on the grounds of art. 26 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities, Art. 21.2. and Art. 21.4. (B) of the Statute of YACHT CLUB "PORT BURGAS" convenes a regular General Meeting of YACHT CLUB "PORT BURGAS", which will be held on 01.10.2020 at 17:00 in Bourgas, Port of Bourgas in the building of YACHT CLUB "PORT BURGAS", with the following agenda:
Report of the Board of... Прочети още...
Mihail Kopanov & “Krone One” – Head out to the top of the most prestigious transatlantic race!
In 2020 the annual “ORIGINAL SINGLE-HANDED TRANSATLANTIC RACE” or “OSTAR” will take place.
The host of the race is “Royal Western Yacht club of England”. The first race has been conducted in the distant 1960 and the 2020 edition of the race will mark its 60th anniversary of single-handed sailing race across the Atlantic ocean.
The 3000 nautical miles between Plymouth, UK and New York, USA are a... Прочети още...
National Championship Olympic Classes 2019.
Three championship titles, one silver and three bronze medals were won by our competitors during the three competition days of the championship held in Varna Lake. Eleven races were held in a gusty east wind with a force of 3-6 meters per second. The constant events created additional conditions for an interesting race. We thank our athletes and coaches for their good work and excellent performance!
#Audi #AudiSailingteam #Burgas #Bulgaria #Nationals... Прочети още...
След тридневна надпревара във Варненския залив, където се проведе регата "Порт Варна" 2019,
състезателят ни Иван Найденов заслужено триумфира и грабна златото в клас "Оптимист" и в двете категории - Общо класиране и Момчета-Старша възраст.
Радостта от успехът на Иван се допълва и от двойната победа в групата Момчета-Старша възраст, където Мариян Шангов грабна среброто.
Драматичен развой на събитията в последния ден и корекции в класирането заради обезщетение лишиха Мариян от среброто и в... Прочети още...
Fantastic start for our team at the 1st regatta for the season - "Briz Prolet" 2019 hosted by SC"Cherno More - Briz"
The races were conducted at the Varna lake from 5th to 7th April. Our team has acquired a real palette of medals.
Three gold, one silver and two bronze medals have decorated our sailors in the classes Laser Standard and Laser 4.7 as follows:
- Gold for Liuben Tenekedzhiev.Decisive victory with seven bullets in the Laser Standard class.
- Stanislava Todorova - Sunny - has... Прочети още...
Austin, TX (March 27, 2019) – Managers of the world’s most popular racing sailboat class are seeking new builders to complement their existing network of manufacturers, the International Laser Class Association (ILCA) announced today.
The move comes after longtime builder of the class dinghy, LaserPerformance (Europe) Limited (LPE), breached the terms of the Laser Construction Manual Agreement (LCMA), which seeks to ensure the identical nature of all Laser class boats, regardless of where... Прочети още...
The young sailors from Yacht Club "Port Bourgas", sailing in the Laser 4.7 class, have recorded a very good score on the "Gill Foundation Day Regatta" which has taken place during the weekend.
The regatta was a conclusion of their training camp in close cooperation with Birzebbuga Sailing Club Freeport.
Sunny Todorova has finished 1st in Girls and 3rd in General fleets and David Binev took the 2nd place in the general rankings.
Both of them are to prepare for the European yout championsip on... Прочети още...
The insurance giant Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group has become a part of our team heading as the main event sponsor this year`s edition of the keelboat regatta " Port Bourgas" 2019
For the first time in its 26 year history, the regatta will be conducted as a special branded edition and will be renamed to "International Regatta Port Bourgas - Bulstrad Cup"
This is the first of many planned changes, aiming to make the event more popular and expand in social aspects. This will directly impact... Прочети още...
The crew of "BUL 24" led by Mihail Kopanov, have continued their amazing series of victories winning their 23rd title at the 63rd edition of the annual regatta "3rd Mach"
The regatta is also a national championship for the "YAL-6" class. This success is only surpassed by the fact that this is their 9th consecutive victory within the past 10 years, making this the longest streak in the history of the regatta.
After a clash with the crew of "Ultramarine" with skipper Yavor Kolev, Mihail Kopanov... Прочети още...
In the Bulgarian sailing world, the beginning of March and the Bulgarian national liberation day are associated with the famous regatta "3rd March". The sailing class for the regatta is YAL-6.
This year marks the 63rd edition of the sailing venue, which is hosted by SC "Cherno More-Briz" - Varna at the lake of Varna.
Traditionally, Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will be presented by the crew of Mihail Kopanov with racing number BUL-24 in the following crew:
Mihail Kopanov - skipper
Stoicho... Прочети още...