7/7 и две титли за UK Sailmakers на Varna Channel Cup 2018

Първа победа за сезона донесе петото юбилейно издание на регата "Varna Chennel Cup" 2018 

През трите състезателни дни 1-3 Юни, бяха проведени общо 7 състезателни гонки. 7 първи места, в класовете, IRC III и ORC Conrad 25, Михаил Копанов и компания, безкомпромисно взеха титлите и в двата класа пред представителите на домакина YC BAVARIA YACHTS, VARNA -  Богомил Пехливанов с Феникс 
Своеобразно предаване на щафетата между Sundowner - отново отбор от Яхт-Клуб "Порт Бургас"  , които спечелиха миналогодишното издание на регатата. 

UK Sailmakers - Reigning Champions in IRC2

Another success for Mihail Kopanow & company! The crew from Yacht Club" Port Bourgas" have seized the victory at the National championship for keel boats conducted under the handicap systems IRC & ORC in Balchik, Bulgaria between 8th - 10th September 2017. 

With a magnificent performance throughout the first two racing days, winning four first places, our boys have headed the standings in all three classes where they were participating - IRC2, ORC Conrad 25 and Overal IRC. 

Winners Again!

Three crews form Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" seized podium places on the annual regatta "Port Bourgas - Keelboats" 2016! 

In IRC2 Class Mihail Kopanov with UK Sailmakers placed 1st and Ivailo Dimitrov with Muson have placed 3rd. 

In Open class -Sundowner and Petko Dimitrov with 5 first places have taken the 1st position.  

International Sailing Regatta "Port Bourgas - Keelboats" 2016

We have the pleassure to invite you to the annual international sailing regatta "Port Bourgas - Keelboats" 2016 organised in cooperation with Port of Bourgas and Burgas Municipality 

The event will take place within the area of bay of Burgas and the south region of the Black sea coastline - west of the lane between Emine and Maslen nos Capes between 4th and 7th August 2016. 

The competition will be conducted in three separate classes : IRC, ORC and OPEN. A prize pot of 3000 leva will be splited between the winners.

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