Лазер 4.7

Twice Gold and Once Bronze at Laser Europa Cup!!!

The three-day competition which is part of the circuit - Laser Europa Cup, this time in Varna -  Bulgaria, has brought us great joy for our team and the sailing sport in Burgas! 
After the low wind during the first two days, our competitors have succeeded in capitalizing their success during the third day and seize two 1st and one 3rd position. 

In the Laser - Standard class: 

Undisputed Champion!

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" has hosted the National championship for Non-Olympic classes between 18th and 21st August 2016. 

It has been good competition with good wind conditions, clean sailing and many emotions, which at the moment is only a glimmer compared to what is in our hearts. 

Liuben Tenekedjiev, has performed his final masterpiece on national level! With eight consecutive decisive victories on the eight races , he has claimed the title National Champion in Laser 4.7 class, leaving a trail of blaze within the sea. 

Regatta "Port Varna" 2016

In the early morning today, our young competitors, led by Ivan Vasilеv have deprtured for the city of Varna, where the annual regatta "Port Varna" 2016 will take place, hosted by Yacht Club " Capt. G.Georgiev Port Varna"

The venue will take place between 11th and 14th August in the bay of Varna. 

Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" will participate with seven sailors in class "Optimist" and one in class "Laser 4.7" as follows: 

9th in the World!

9th In the world! - These were the words that the National Coach - Kosta Stergidov who called from Kiel, Germany where the world championship on Laser 4.7 has been conducted. 

Our magnificent young sailor Lyuben Tenekedjiev, has secured his spot in the Golden fleet  with two 2nd positions one 3rd and one 4th before the final four races.With remarkable last race sailing under heavy wind of 26 knots Lyuben has sailed Toe to Toe with the best in the world finishing 5th which escalated him up to the top 10 in the final standings! 

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