
Day 2 - The nature has not missed her chance to surprise everyone as after 40 minutes in the first race for the day the windspeed has dropped to 1 m/sec. The race for class "Optimist" has been shortened and for class "Laser 4.7" has been dirrectly abandoned. At 1300 the race day has been restarted and two more races have been conducted at avarage wind speed of 6 m/sek Outstanding sailing day with many emotional and beautifull moments. Standings :  
09.07.15 - 12.07.15 Regatta Saint Marina Sozopol 2015 will be conducted. The racing claccess that will particeipate are "Optimist" and "Laser 4.7"  As real sailors, the team of Yacht Club "Port Bourgas" have chosen to make the trip to the bay of Sozopol by sea instead of hitting the road and sailed off to Sozopol at 7:30 am . Good luck to all sailiors! We are impatiently looking forward to the first start! 
The national championship on Conrad 25R and Meges 24 has come to an end.  8 Races have been conducted from 3rd to 5th July. The unexpected bad weather conditions have not made the task of the sailors easy especialy in racing day 2 when 2nd  race has been abandoned and the sailors have been forced to wait bad weather to pass on the shore.  With four "1st" and two "2nd" places "UK SAILMAKERS" with skipper Mihail Kopanov presenting Yacht Club "PORT BOURGAS"  emerged victorious and have brought the... Прочети още...
One more race from the ongoing National championship on classes Conrad 25R & Melges 24 have been conducted today. The secon race have been cancled as the race distance have been compromised.  The races are temporarily canceled due to bad weather conditions and all crews are awaiting instrutions on shore.  Third success for "UK SAILMAKERS" from Yacht Club "PORT BOURGAS"  Standings :       Standings :                                        photo: Facebook : Nautica BUL 
Today at 12:00 the first start of the National Championship Conrad 25R & Melges 24 2015 has been given. A total of 13 crews will collide in the region of Varna bay in the next three days.  "UK SAILMAKERS"  with skipper Mihail Kopanov from Yach Club "PORT BOURGAS" is holding the first place after the first racing day. Official results can be found on :   author : Krasimir Naumov                                       photo : Plamen Gutinov  source : 
Preparations for the upcoming Junior European Championship on 420 & 470 are on going on full steam.  New set of coach boats have been sourced specially for the occasion and are impatiently awaiting to hit the water for first time in August. The Championship will take place between 7 - 15 of August hosted by Yacht Club "Port Bourgas"   photos :  
The annual regatta “Chernomorez” has been conducted in Burgas on 27 & 28 June 2015  In total of 5 races many domestic sailing clubs have participated in the regatta including full team of “Yacht Club Port Burgas” with over 20 sailors. Official racing classes that have participated were: Optimist, Cadet, Laser Standard , Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, FINN, 420 & 470 The unpredictable weather and constant change of wind dirrection have not made the race too easy for all the sailors who have... Прочети още...
200 участници от пет държави - Румъния, Турция, Кувейт, Гърция и България се включиха в Бургаската ветроходна седмца. Спортното събитие е част от програмата за отбелязване на "Бургас - Европейски град на спорта 2015". Домакин на регатата в класовете "Оптимист", "Лазер-стандарт", "Лазер-радиал", "Лазер 4,7", "Фин", "470" и "420" е яхт клуб "Порт Бургас" към пристанището.  ”Имаме своеобразен рекорд при най-малките участници в клас „Отимист”. Сто са състезателите, които пристигнаха в Бургас, а... Прочети още...
REGATTA PORT BOURGAS - 2015 BOURGAS SAILING WEEK ISAF GRADE 50 RANKED EVENT 29th April – 03rd May 2015 Notice of Race Yacht Club Port Bourgas (the Organising Authority) in co-operation with the PORT of BOURGAS and the Municipality of Bourgas are pleased to invite the sailors to take part in Regatta Port Bourgas - Bourgas Sailing Week to be held at Yacht Club Port Bourgas, Bourgas, Bulgaria from 29th of April till 03rd of May 2015 ISAF Grade 50 Ranked Event [DP] denotes a rule for which the... Прочети още...
Top sailor Michail Kopanov of our yacht club "Port Burgas" won the regatta "Third of March", which was held for the 59th time in the water area of the lake. The sailor of Burgas club who became state champion "Yal-6-ment", is a leader in the prestigious competition for the 19th time. In regatta took 25 boats from 16 clubs and 8 cities in the country, which traditionally opens the sailing season in the country.
